Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Quick Prayer

Today, as I was searching for a devotional to start the day, I came across one in Daily Word for Couples: Enriching Our Love in a Relationship of Heart and Soul, and I thought that I would share it with you as well.
Our Prayer
Dear God,
We know that the greatest strength is not limited to the physical realm. Neither is the most stalwart courage built up by the reasoning mind. The mighty strength of a spiritual being and the resolute courage of an overcomer reside within us.
Even though we may feel as if we are in a vulnerable position or condition, we have the strength and courage of Your spirit within us. Your pervading presence is our sanctuary of peace and order wherever we are, wherever we go.
You are with us as we prepare to lie down in our bed at home or in a bed during a stop in our travels away from home. You are with us as we walk, drive, or ride to each destination, whether we are in familiar or unfamiliar territory.
Thank You, God, for strength and courage!
"God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9
Wherever you are in life - be it on the road, running to Winco or Costco. We are all on this journey together, each with our own path, but leading toward the same final eternal destination.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Having Fun

I feel like I am rediscovering myself once again. Since the move to Idaho, from California, I have felt an overwhelming sense of peace. I have been trusting God more and more each day to lead me in the direction that He is leading me. By fully trusting God to direct my life and embracing the life the I have been freely give, this opens up whole new possibilities for exploration and self discovery.

I used to worry every single day. Where is the money going to come from? How are we going to pay the bills? How are we going to pay for grad school? And I was making myself sick!! I was not sleeping at night, and would toss and turn all night long. I would wake up more tired than when I would go to bed. I had become an insomniac. I finally send enough is enough. I asked God, "what do I need to do?" I kept hearing "Give it to me." Against my own stubbornness, that's what I did, and things began to fall into place. Things are not perfect, but feel so much better about life than I ever did before.

I also have to praise God for bringing my nieces into my life. Oh what a joy to play with them once again. When I was in California, I was this faceless person on the phone and had no real contact with them. Now that I am here, I can be a kid again and just play. This has really helped me to see the joy in life. For this, I thank God for bringing Amanda, Hanna and Jenna into my life once again.

I am also rediscovering what it is like to be a college student again. This week I started as a graduate student at Northwest Nazarene University, in the Teacher Preparation Program. I had applied to San Jose State University two years ago, trying to get into the Marine Biology MA program and did not get in because my GPA was off by 0.05. I went back to Humboldt State, pulled up my GPA, and waited to apply later. I did not think that I would get into grad school, but God helped me get into NNU. This was definitely a praise God moment in my life.

This is why I am having fun!!